Tuesday, May 6, 2008

week 4 weigh in: disappointed but determined

I am sorry to be late on this post, but last week was a bit discouraging so that writing this week's weigh in was not really exciting for me. I started the week off really good ... had a healthy day of meals and snacking, had my new tea, went to yoga and had good hopes since the week before was better than expected. But, at 3 am on Tuesday morning Little 'Ny came down with a 48 hour flu forcing me to stay home from work. I closely watched what I ate for the day to make up for missing yoga.

Wednesday, Little 'Ny was feeling better so I took her to the mall to run some errands. But malls are not good for diets -- too much fried and greasy food. Thursday, Little 'Ny went back to school, but I stayed home so I would be near by if she needed to come home ... another yoga class missed. Friday, I finally went back into the office, but there were donuts which my will power is very weak against.

The weekend wasn’t much better. We went to two BBQs and were missing meals. I brought healthy snacks with me, but there was not much thought on the hours of when I was eating them.

In the end the damage was done. I gained back one of those nasty pounds I lost the week before. It is not terrible, but it was so disappointing. It has lit a fire under me. I have taken this week’s diet and exercise much more seriously to make up for last week. I have cut down the carbs, boosted up the protein and worked really hard at yoga class. Let’s hope this Sunday shows some results.

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