Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm not here ... I'm there!

Hello? Anyone out there still reading this? Come back! I am still here. Promise. I have just been a bit sick and occupied with my day job which has left me with very little time for blogging. If you missed me and need a quick fix please head on over to Room 704 and check out the VEE-log (don't worry, I have been schooled that the correct pronunciation is vlog, like blog) I made with my BFF Miss.

About a month ago the über fabulous VDog mentioned that she loved the business card Miss and I created together for BlogHer '09 and asked if we would co-post for Room 704.

BlogHer business card

It took us all of a second to say "HELL YES!"

A couple of weeks ago we met up at our friend Kel's house and got to work.

2 Hot Bloggers + 1 Bottle of Wine

I have to admit that I am not one for being in front of the camera. I get nervous and awkward and start stuttering and making funny faces. *sigh* Making this video was no different. Kel did a great job as our videographer, but the really good stuff was not caught on camera. Such as our debate about pronunciation of "vlog" or why a Spanish wine is imported through New Jersey. The next time the video camera will just get turned on to capture all of the hilarious randomness. What matters most is that we had a great time making it and look forward to creating more Room 704 submissions.

So, if I am not here I am over there!

Huge thanks to the founders of Room 704 for letting me join your illustrious group of staff writers. I am truly honored!