Monday, March 29, 2010

Listen to your body

I mentioned a while back that I had been a bit sick. I understated the situation. I was very sick for too long.

For the first time since I was a teenager I got a urinary tract infection. The memory of the intense pressure and razor blade sharp pain came rushing back to me the second it started. My mom rushed out to get me a jumbo jar of cranberry extract pills and an even bigger bottle of cranberry juice. She also brought home an over the counter medicine called AZO that relieves the symptoms (and turn my pee neon orange) while the cranberry does its magic.

The home treatment seemed to be working. I felt much better as long as I took the pills daily and on time. Life kept going as usual. I even double fisted my beer and cranberry juice at the GNO at Universal City Walk.

Who orders Cranberry at a bar??
Photo credit: JustOneMiss

That Sunday night I started to get cramps in my lower back and abs. They were the worst I have ever felt. I just figured it was gnarly case of PMS thanks to the UTI. I took some Tylenol and crashed out.

On Monday night my daughter came home from her dad's complaining that her ear was bothering her, so I kept her home on Tuesday and schedule for her to see pediatrician the next morning. My dad entertained her while I worked from my rocking chair in my room, but later on in the afternoon I had him take me to my storage unit so that I could get some stuff out. On the car ride home I started to get a horrible cramp in my lower back. By time we got home my entire body was aching and a fever took over. I was shivering uncontrollably unable to get warm. I could barely text Miss letting her know I wouldn't be able to work on our Room 704 post. Then I passed out. Two hours later I woke warm again, but weak and aching.

In the morning I called my doctor for an appointment after my daughter's. After 3 hours at our medical clinic my daughter was diagnosed with an ear infection and I was diagnosed with a kidney infection. We were sent home with antibiotics and told to rest. My pain and fevers lasted for about a week even with the antibiotics and ibuprofen. At the tail end of the second week I woke up with an uncontrollable cough. Once again I found myself in my doctor's office, this time with a lung infection. One more week of high dose antibiotics finally did the trick.

I am still rebuilding my immune system with a new multi vitamin and asthma inhaler. I have also learned my lesson that UTI's CANNOT be cured with cranberry alone.