Saturday, June 12, 2010

NaBloPoMo - Day 12: What I want right now is not what I needed

I have been stressed out (which is a total understatement) and when I am stressed out I usually turn to retail therapy or chocolate for some relief. When I got home on Friday I vowed to not turn my work laptop on again until Sunday night unless it was a major emergency. Instead I used my little pink netbook to "destress".

I started off with looking around Dogeared Jewelry (if you don't know is one of my favorite jewelers) and put this in my shopping cart ...

But, I kept browsing and then I considered this one ...

... but, it wasn't exactly right. So, I turned off the netbook and went to bed.

Tonight has not been any better. I started craving a cupcake so I googled "cupcake north county san diego" and found Cupcake Love. It was too late to load up Princess D in the car to get their Vanilla ♥’s Chocolate cupcake, so I kept browsing which led me to Johnny Cupcakes and ended with me putting this in the shopping cart ...

Once again I never completed the check out. I just couldn't justify spending money right now when BlogHer '10 is coming up in 52 days. Even though I didn't buy I feel a lot less stressed. I think all I really needed was to ignore work for a couple of days. Let my brain rest ... and stare at pretty things online.