Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm Versatile

I recently met Jen thanks to our shared love for So You Think You Can Dance. Every week we shared our thoughts about the contestants and performances. We made sure to keep each other updated if one of us couldn't watch. We have never met in person even though we live in the same 'hood, but hopefully we will change that before the end of the year.

Over a month ago (shhhh ... I've been busy) she gave me The Versatile Blogger award! I am so excited to add this award to my new Karma page.


1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.

Thanks so much, Jen!

2. Share seven things about yourself.

This award is because I am "versatile". So, I figured I would list 7 things about me that shows my versatility.

1: changing or fluctuating readily
2: embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills; turning with ease from one thing to another

I am a project manager by profession. That means for at least 8 hours a day Outlook, budgets, project plans, contracts make me their slave. I manage around 30 clients at any given time. I say words like "deliverable" or "out of scope" or "database synchronization" in at least every sentence that comes out of my mouth. Part of my job requires flexibility and versatility in order to deal with client expectations.

There is a creative side of me that gets released through my blog posts and with every click of my camera shutter. I actually used to be a graphic designer, but never received formal training. I have so many ideas in my over stimulated brain, but not enough free time to bring them to life.

I got my undergraduate degree in English with a focus on 19th century British Literature. Jane Austin, the Bronte sisters, Mary Shelly, Dickens ... they all captivated and inspired me. I figured that someday I would write a novel or a play about my grandmother. That is still a goal of mine, but I need the inspiration and time to start writing.

I am a California girl through and through, but I love to travel. The list of top five places where I want to travel too is pretty standard -- Italy, Spain, Japan, Moracco, Bali. I don't like to do really touristy things. Of course seeing the main attractions is necessary, but I like to eat where the locals eat, hang out where the locals hang out, check out sites off the beaten path. Everywhere I go I try to blend in as much as I can.

I am a multi tasker. I just can't help myself. Right now I am co-parenting my 5 year old daughter who is starting Kindergarten, I am in a very long distance relationship, I just adopted a puppy, I have a very demanding full time job, I write this blog for myself and am one of the 2 Hot Bloggers + a Bottle of Wine, I am a team captain for the American Heart Association Start! Heart Walk, and have some "me time".

I can be a very social butterfly. Sometimes it drives my mom insane when I am on the go meeting up with friends on the weekends I don't have Princess D.  Since I am an only child I also enjoy being totally alone at time.  To this day I enjoy my quiet time at home.  My X used to complain that I was a "homebody." The thing is I had (and still have) so much stimulation constantly around me and I am juggling so many things at one time that I need time to be at home where it is quiet and peaceful.  Who doesn't need down time (sofa, wine and DVR) after a long day at work?

As you can imagine ... I am a planner.  I live by calendars (partially because if what I am doing is not noted somewhere I will forget).  Since The Boyfriend lives in England we are already planning our vacations for the upcoming year.  When plans change randomly I don't really react well.  It can put me into a bit of anxious frenzy.  This is where I am not very versatile, but I am working on it and have gotten better.

Enough about me! Who will I pass on this lovely award to ...

3. Pass this award along to five bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!

Mary from Mama Mary Show
Sugar from Sugar Jones
Christina from Mommy Loves Coffee
Duchess from Duchess Mama
Kellee from The (Not So) Small things

4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.

I will be DM'ing all of the ladies I mentioned above.  From that point they can do what they wish with the award.