It has been a year since our last trip to England, but it doesn't feel like it was that long ago.
Princess D was 4.5 years old and this was her first international flight. Plus, it was the first time we flew just the two of us, so I made sure I was prepared with toys, games, books and snacks. I packed knowing that until we got through customs at Heathrow Airport I would be juggling her and everything else on my own. Honestly, I was nervous about the trip. I had no idea how she would handle such a long flight and how I would handle everything without having a complete nervous breakdown.
In the end, the whole trip went better than I ever thought it would. Princess D was a great traveler! She was calm and quiet the entire flight. Virgin Atlantic provided every new kids movie and snacks. She still remembers Cadbury World, the elephant statues all around London, the indoor water park and Buckingham Palace. To her it was where all of her movies and stories came to life.
This year we packed smarter and know what to expect. Princess D is bigger so she can help more. I am calm and ready to spend quality time with her, The Boyfriend and his son. Now, if we could only make the plane fly faster ...
Stay tuned for more daily updates from our trip.