Thursday, April 17, 2008

the one that got away

I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted. Oops. The week got away from me. I will have to fill you in ...

Friday was my dad's 65th birthday, so my cousin came down with her family so we could all go out to dinner. Little 'Ny was so excited to see her cousin. She absolutely loves her. We had a dinner at a local Italian restaurant near my parents house. By bedtime Little 'Ny had consumed 3 bites of chocolate chip cannoli, 1 chocolate chip oatmeal cookie and some chocolate cake. Talk about sugar overload. Kid couldn't even fall alseep until almost 10pm because she was so jacked up on sugar.

The next day we went to my in laws for dinner and swimming. They had cupcakes for my dad's birthday. Afterwards we went to another birthday party ... german chocolate cake. Another 10pm bedtime for Little 'Ny. We are turning her into a party animal.

Sunday I dropped Little 'Ny off at my parents so she could spend more time with her cousin while Hubs and I went to the tax man. It was a long visit with him that continued Monday night, but it paid off (literally).

I have no idea what happened to Tuesday or Wednesday. Those days seemed to have simply vanished from my memory.

That brings us to today. It was one of those days. Nothing seemed to work out. For example, Hubs took Little 'Ny to the store. While they were gone I mopped the kitchen floor. When they got home Hubs came running into the kitchen because something in the shopping bag was leaking. Oh yeah, it leaked ALL OVER MY NEWLY MOPPED FLOOR.

Tomorrow Hubs leaves for Las Vegas to finish painting his parents other home. I am going to finally catch up on laundry and get myself a new Pink BlackBerry Pearl ... yeah baby!

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