Friday, November 27, 2009

NaBloPoMo Day 27: Got in. Got out. Got a deal.

A bunch of my relatives are Shoppers. I capitalize and emphasize because they take shopping to a level I could never reach. They will shop for bargains until they drop. Hours of standing in line, pushing through the masses, digging through the racks, going to outlet malls. I love to shop ... to an extent. I like to browse without people pushing and messy racks. I like to shop online from the comfort of my bed. They must have a gene I didn't inherit.

This morning there was a slight trace of that gene in me. I got up at 4am this morning to join them in search for the ultimate Black Friday deals. I had 4 items on my list and only 3 of them were at Target. The other was at Sam's Club where my uncle was headed. So, we split up the mission.

The Target near me just opened a few months ago. It is tucked away on a hill behind a business park with very little signage. This seemed to made a major difference! I showed up at 4:30am and the line went across the front of the store, around the corner and halfway down the side. By the time I got into the store all the people in front of me were already walking around with the $400 40" flat screen TVs in their shopping carts, but there were plenty still sitting around. I quickly found what I was looking for, but browsed for another 50 minutes. I got in line behind one other woman and checked out in less than 10 minutes. I was back in bed and fast asleep by 6am.

My uncle said that Sam's Club was incredibly organized by passing out purchase tickets instead of forcing people to stand in line and rush the store when it opened.

Black Friday was a success! I ended up with:
  • 2 RCA 7" Portable DVD Player
  • Handy Manny Repair Shop Play Set
  • 7" Philips Portable Dual Screen DVD Player
A grand total of $170.00 savings!

Was it worth it? Yeah, I think so. I was able to save a good chunk of money and only lost 2 hours of sleep.

Would I do it again? Only if I really need deals on big ticket items and have a house full of kids who want the latest and greatest toys.