Thursday, December 16, 2010

Santa doesn't leave IOUs under the tree

Back in November I had Princess D write out her Christmas wishlist. I told her she could ask Santa for 4 things:

1) Tangled Rapunzel Costume
2) Tangled Rapunzel's Tower Play Set
3) Toy Story 3 DVD
4) Despicable Me DVD

I was not surprised to see that two of the four items were from Disney Tangled. So, when the Friends & Family + Free Shipping discount showed up in my email I didn't hesitate to oder items #1 and #2. It saved me a trip to the crowded mall and a few dollars.

That was November 15th.

It has been a month since I placed my order when I received the following email from

My parents have an ornament that on Christmas Eve Santa is supposed to put a "treat" in. It could be a piece of chocolate, money or a small toy. Last year Santa forgot to fill it on Christmas Eve, so when Princess D saw that the ornament was empty her eyes filled up with tears and she asked me if she hadn't been a good enough girl that year. Her heartbreak at that moment stuck with me. How could I explain to her this time that she really has been good this year even though Santa didn't give her one of the gifts she asked for? She is only 5 years old and believes in the magic of Santa Claus. Telling her "sorry, baby, but Santa couldn't make all of the toys in time this year" or "there wasn't room in Santa's sleigh" just aren't options. No matter how many gifts she gets this year they are not THE same gift.

Christmas is 10 days away, so panic set in and I started googling like a crazy mom. This costume was sold out everywhere I looked. In typical planning fashion I laid out my options:

OPTION 1: Bid $100 for the costume on eBay which is more than 3x the original price I paid.

OPTION 2: Get the Tangled Rapunzel night gown that is only in stock in a size 2.

OPTION 3: Bid for the correct size Tangled Rapunzel night gown on eBay and pay 2x the original price.

OPTION 4: Have The Boyfriend purchase the costume in the UK and bring it with him when he comes to visit at the end of the year.

Knowing that my anxiety had to be contained before I self imploded, Miss and The Boyfriend came up with a brilliant plan ...

Santa leaves Princess D a note apologizing that he accidentally spilled some of the milk she left out for him on the Rapunzel costume, so he is taking it back to his workshop for the elves to fix. In the meantime, he left her the nightgown she can use as a costume. Santa will make arrangements for The Boyfriend to pick up the replacement costume since he will be passing over the North Pole on his flight here.

This might be totally over thought, but it is enough to convince my daughter that she really was good this year and that Santa is just clumsy!