Sunday, February 8, 2009

Modern Mom Challenge - Week #6

The one thing about new year resolutions is that people feel they are "make it or break it". We create these unrealistic resolutions and beat ourselves up for it if we miss one week (or more) then you throw them away without giving them a second try. By June resolutions are forgotten because we want to ignore the guilt associated with breaking them.

The reality is that we give ourselves a full year to do the things we have resolved to do. Life takes over at times forcing resolutions to fall by the wayside. This is exactly what has happened to me the past few weeks. First I came down with a double ear infection, then Princess D got the stomach flu, then work took over and now I have another health concern going on (I will share that once I have more solid information).

I have missed going to yoga for 2 weeks now and this week does not look promising either. I am still not eating nearly as good as I was before I got sick, but I am getting better and plan to really focus on it this week. I have not been going to bed by midnight, but I think I figured out a way to get back on track with this (thank you to my dear friends who remind me every night that it is my bedtime).

On the positive side I have only had 2 Starbucks non-fat caramel lattes in over 2 weeks, and I have lost another pound!

It is only February and I have not thrown my resolutions away ... life has just been challenging them a bit!

watching mom in the mirror

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  1. Looking good from up here!!

    Sorry it's been the pits lately, but you sound like you're bouncing back. :)

  2. Congrats babycakes! I know you're gonna be fine! I've lost 13 lbs since mind-Nov and, after the craptactular day I've had, I'm getting reacquainted with my pals Ben and Jerry

  3. At my age, I have stopped making New Year's resolutions. Instead I am more comfortable making a "to do" list and prioritize them. This way I have no guilt if I don't get it done in a year. What doesn't get crossed out is just carried over the following year. What doesn't get done before I croak will be left for RLM to sort out. (Ha, ha...the ultimate parent's revenge!)

  4. What a cute pic. I bet you can appreciate this post on NY resolutions from my bloggy friend.

  5. Your mom is funny. I think you are doing great so far. Just focus to get back on track. ;-)
