Friday, July 31, 2009

BlogHer '09 Recap: Hated It

This is my last post about BlogHer '09, but is just has to be said. I told you what I loved. I told you what I liked. Well, there were somethings about BlogHer '09 I actually hated.

Bloggy Husbands and Bloggy Wives. I get it. You guys have a connection and don't physically get to see each other in person rarely, if ever. But, there are people like me who are new to the Bloggy 'Hood (ok, not really new) and would like to hang out without feeling like I might get jumped on the way to my hotel room if I so much as said hello a Bloggy Husband. I have seen first hand (but, never partook in) the "what happens at a conference stays at the conference" or the "in a different zipcode from your spouse" rule ... but, really? We all write on the interwebs people ... show some respect for your In Real Life Husband or In Real Life Wife.

Party Limo. Undomestic Diva started the trip to BlogHer '09 in style by booking a limo for the ride from the airport to the hotel. Well, the company she booked with screwed the pooch by instead of sending two limos sent a limo and a mini van. So, how many bloggers can you fit in a limo? The answer ... 21! Watch out limo company ... we write on the interwebs!

Saying Goodbye. It was an amazing experience meeting some of the most phenomenal writers and photographers. Making some bonds stronger and breaking some. Seeing people three dimensionally instead of on the screen or via IM. I am not a crier in situations where it is simply a "see you soon," but believe me I was crying inside. I can't stop looking at pictures and remembering all of the hilarious things that happened. I can't stop wishing I had 4 more days to hang out talking about everything and nothing.

So, will I be going to BlogHer '10? You bet I will be!


  1. I love you for being able to put nicely the words I cannot.


  2. Great post!!!

    and next year, I will be on that damn PARTY PLANE!!!

  3. Blog Husbands? SHUT UP! I've never heard of such a thing. gah.

  4. i have to say i am sick of hearing about blogher..but just cuz im problem is i can't start shelling out money for 2010 now, why do they put the tix on sale so soon. not to mention i have about 3 bellydance trips i want to take next year.

  5. I hope I get to meet you at the events next year. I won't attend the conference, just the parties. I hear the men aren't exactly welcomed with open arms during the official activities...

  6. AnonymousJuly 31, 2009

    Thanks for the awesome slide show.

    So many great memories.

    You've convinced me I'm a total crap photographer and you have to help me pick out the camera I'm getting myself for my birthday/Christmas present and teach me how to use it right.

  7. To be honest, I didn't see the "blog husband/wife" deal, but I know who you're talking about. Just not WHAT you're talking about specifically.

    Other than than, yeah, the good-byes and limo transportation were teh suck.

    And next year, I'm rubbin up on you HARD in front of my real husband.

  8. Well that makes me feel a little better about not getting to ride in the limo I guess lol :)

    And the rest...sounds interesting.

  9. Next year fo'sure.. :)

  10. I'm so there. But this time we have to eat a meal together. DEAL?
